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OpenAIRE Graph

How Can I Use or Contribute to the Graph?

Discover how the OpenAIRE Graph benefits you.
You can access the OpenAIRE Graph via our tailored services or directly through API's and dumps.
  • Discover

    Explore Data


    Explore Data

    Use OpenAIRE EXPLORE, an open research search engine, to discover publications, data, software, and more, from more than 12K trusted data sources worldwide. Search by advanced metrics and navigate through related funding/grants, organisations, people, etc.


    Use in Bibliometrics


    Use in Bibliometrics

    Access the OpenAIRE Graph through REST APIs or Zenodo. Retrieve embedded classifications (FOS, SDGs), advanced indicators (BipFinder), and costs (OpenAPC). Import into your environment and build metrics. Combine or perform benchmarks with data from other sources. Pending: Access via Google Cloud.


    Track Research


    Track Research

    Use OpenAIRE MONITOR, a customisable and collaborative dashboard of well-documented and timely indicators collected from the OpenAIRE Graph. Track all types of research activities and their impact in the Open Science landscape.


    Build Research Gateway


    Build Research Gateway

    Via OpenAIRE CONNECT, use OpenAIRE AI tools to configure your own customised web portal. Connect to Zenodo or another repository of your choice, and collect and share research specific to your community.


    Embed Research Info


    Embed Research Info

    Use code/html snippets to embed the results of your project in your website. Download csv's and selectively use data inyour reports. Disseminate out of the box.


  • Share

    Publish in Open Access


    Publish in Open Access

    Share, preserve, and showcase data, software, publications, and other research objects in your institutional or domain discipline repository. If you don't have one, use Zenodo, a catch-all repository hosted by CERN.


    Annotate data


    Annotate data

    Use your institutional or ORCID account and claim publications, datasets, and software to enrich your organisational, project, or personal research portfolio. Link them to grants for automated reporting to funders.


    Share funding data


    Share funding data

    Share basic information about your programmes/grants, and we'll make sure that 1. Repositories, journals and CRIS all receive and use it consistently, 2. We use it in our backend AI to link related publications, data, & software, 3. Embed it in the Graph and make it public.


    Register your data source


    Register your data source

    Use the OpenAIRE Guidelines as the metadata schema to share records in the Graph. Validate and get a FAIRness score. Share usage data via the UsageCounts service. In exchange, enrich your records via the Broker service.

    Know the costs

    Share APCs

    Know the costs

    Share APCs

    Share the costs of publication (both APCs and BPCs) with the global community and contribute to a better understanding of the ecosystem. In exchange, receive estimates of publishing expenses via the OpenAIRE MONITOR dashboards.

Are you a ...?

Are you a ...?


  • Discover Open Linked Research

    • Discover & navigate all types of scholarly works
    • Track your projects’ citations
    • Identify funding and grant streams.

    Discover the OpenAIRE Graph with EXPLORE

  • Preserve your Research

    • Increase citations & discoverability of your projects with DOI’s
    • Access usage statistics to evaluate your impact
    • Link funding to your research to enrich their relationships

    Learn more

    Unlock the Power of your Data

    • Increase visibility of your research products
    • Establish your presence in the research innovation ecosystem
    • Promote the reuse of your project's research data

    Find a repository

    Link your Research, Amplify your Impact

    • Increase accessibility to your work & affiliations
    • Enrich the links between your works and other elements (funding, institution, etc.)
    • Keep track of your records across systems

    Learn how


  • Expand your Connections

    • Discover research tailored to your interests
    • Increase your collaborations
    • Broaden your visibility & impact on a global scale

    Tap into the OpenAIRE Graph via CONNECT

    Related Projects: SciLake

    Empower your Institution's Research 

    • Monitor and evaluate your research outputs
    • Present your activity to external stakeholders
    • Access metrics to develop your strategy
    • Track your institution’s trends & impact pathways

    Assess the OpenAIRE Graph via MONITOR

    Related Projects: GraspOS

  • Share, Preserve, & Assess your Research

    • Increase citations & discoverability of your research outputs with DOI’s
    • Access usage statistics to evaluate your impact
    • Stimulate collective research between your institution and others

    Contact us to set up Zenodo as your institution's primary repository

    Share your Research. Expand your Impact.

    • Increase your research products’ visibility
    • Establish your presence in the research innovation ecosystem
    • Promote the reuse of your research data

    Find a compatible repository

    Related Projects: SciLake

    Check out the OpenAIRE website and download our brochure to learn more on how your institution can take advantage of OpenAIRE Services.


  • Monitor & Evaluate the Landscape

    • Access trustable statistics
    • Get a bird's eye view of research trends & gaps
    • Monitor & evaluate Open Science uptake

    Survey the OpenAIRE Graph with Open Science Observatory

    Monitor your Funded Activities

    • Identify returns on investment
    • Discover weak spots & hidden potential
    • Monitor research outputs
    • Track collaborations’ performance

    Assess the OpenAIRE Graph via MONITOR

  • Enhance Interoperability, Improve Data Quality, Increase Exposure.

    • Increase your exposure & visibility
    • Improve your data quality
    • Enhance interoperability of your funding information

    Contact us directly


  • Join the Global Open Science Ecosystem

    • Monitor the aggregation process of your research outputs
    • Increase your products’ visibility to a global audience
    • Automate the verification process of your products' compliance with Open Access Mandates

    Tap into the OpenAIRE Graph with PROVIDE

  • Register your Repository's CRIS System

    • Automate the integration of your repository within the interlinked global network
    • Secure Digital Object Identifiers (DOI's) for easy and unique citations
    • Evaluate your research products' impact through usage statistics

    Learn how

    Upload your Research Outputs to the OpenAIRE Graph

    • Establish visibility & legitimacy in the Open Science landscape
    • Increase reuse & number of citations
    • Stimulate collective research between your researchers and others

    Join the OpenAIRE Graph with PROVIDE


    Publish your Research Products in Open Access Journals

    • Increase visibility of your research products
    • Establish your presence in the research innovation ecosystem
    • Promote the reuse of your research data

    Find a journal

Research Community

  • Connect your Community

    • Enhance collaborations between researchers within your community
    • Discover research tailored to your community's interests
    • Increase access to your community's research data

    Harness the OpenAIRE Graph with CONNECT

  • Preserve & Track your Research

    • Secure Digital Object Identifiers (DOI's) for easy & unique citations
    • Link funding to your community’s research products to enrich their links
    • Evaluate the impact of your research products through usage statistics

    Learn more

    Publish your Research Products in a Registered Repository

    • Increase visibility of your research products
    • Establish your presence in the research innovation ecosystem
    • Promote the reuse of your research data

    Find a repository


  • Track Open Science in your Country

    • Monitor & evaluate Open Science uptake in your country across time, organisations, funders, and content providers
    • Uncover weak spots & hidden potential of your country's research outputs
    • Exploit data insights of your country's research outputs to monitor its impact

    Survey the OpenAIRE Graph via Open Science Observatory

    Enhance your Country's Access to Research

    • Obtain statistical data about Open Science in your country
    • Enhance national collaborations between researchers
    • Increase access to your country's research data

    Harness the OpenAIRE Graph with CONNECT

  • Implement Open Science Effectively

    Contact us to learn more about implementing Open Science principles in your country

    Enhance Research Visibility through Data Sharing

    • Improve your country's metadata quality
    • Enhance visibility of your country's research
    • Improve research collaborations between your country's institutions and others

    Tap into the OpenAIRE Graph via PROVIDE

    Create a National Connect Dashboard

    • Connect your research repositories with the global community
    • Curate national entities (Institutions IDs and other PIDs)
    • Improve discoverability of your country's research outputs worldwide

    Harness the OpenAIRE Graph with CONNECT


  • Monitor your Projects

    • Monitor developments in your field
    • Identify return on investments
    • Present your activity to external stakeholders

    Assess the OpenAIRE Graph with MONITOR

    Unlock Valuable Data

    • Increase your projects’ visibility with OpenAIRE API
    • Retrieve specific pieces of data
    • Customize your queries to retrieve data in a variety of formats

    Retrieve OpenAIRE API

    Related Projects: SciLake

    Find Resources for your Project

    • Select and download OpenAIRE Graph files that best serve your project
    • Identify impacts of research outputs to substantiate your project
    • Expose relationships between outputs to integrate into your project

    Download the OpenAIRE Graph dump

    Access our Beginner's Kit to familiarise yourself with the OpenAIRE Graph's underlying data model and explore its contents.

    Discover, Collaborate, Innovate: Unleash your Project's Potential

    • Quickly discover new research products
    • Uncover trends & underserved areas
    • Identify potential collaborators

    Harness the OpenAIRE Graph via CONNECT

  • Preserve & Track your Projects' Impact

    • Secure Digital Object Identifiers (DOI's) for easy and unique identification
    • Increase your projects’ visibility of your projects
    • Evaluate the impact of your projects through usage statistics

    Learn more


  • Monitor your Activity

    • Monitor developments in your domain
    • Identify return on investments
    • Present your activity to external stakeholders

    Assess the OpenAIRE Graph via MONITOR

    Unlock Valuable Data

    • Increase visibility of your services with OpenAIRE API
    • Retrieve specific pieces of data that can benefit your business
    • Customise your queries to retrieve data in a variety of formats

    Retrieve OpenAIRE API

    Related Projects: SciLake

    Find Resources for your Business

    • Select and download files that best serve your business
    • Identify impacts of research outputs to substantiate your service
    • Expose relationships between outputs to integrate into your service

    Download the OpenAIRE Graph dataset

    Access our Beginner's Kit to familiarise yourself with the OpenAIRE Graph's underlying data model and explore its contents.

    Discover, Collaborate, Innovate: Unleash your Business's Potential

    • Quickly discover new research products
    • Uncover trends & underserved areas
    • Identify potential collaborators

    Harness the OpenAIRE Graph with CONNECT

  • Preserve & Track your Data's Impact

    • Secure Digital Object Identifiers (DOI's) for easy and unique identification
    • Increase your products’ and services’ visibility
    • Evaluate the impact of your products through usage statistics

    Learn more

Stories from the Community

See how others have used the OpenAIRE Graph to advance their projects

EC Participant Portal

Reporting research outputs using the OpenAIRE API

Curating the OpenAIRE Graph: disambiguating Greek organisations metadata with OpenOrgs

Correcting data from Greek organisations inferred in OpenAIRE Graph and more services

Integration of OpenAIRE Graph on OiPub SME platform

EOSC-DIH business pilots in practice

​Linknovate knowledge base enrichment and curation via OpenAIRE Graph

​​​Leveraging the OpenAIRE Graph to eliminate duplicated profiles and enhance organization information within the Linknovate platform